Collect clean, cheap solar energy from your rooftop.

Every photovoltaic system makes a difference.
Every photovoltaic system makes a difference.

Reduce your energy costs with a solar PV system on your rooftop.

We all need electricity to power our everyday lives. And we will tend to need more and more of it as the number of appliances in the average household increases. In all likelihood, the electricity we need will become increasingly expensive in the coming years. You can counteract this price trend with your own photovoltaic system: Once it is paid off, electricity will no longer cost you anything.

Generate clean energy with solar modules from Solarwatt.

By installing a solar panel system on your roof, you will also reduce your household's emissions and actively contribute to the energy transition. A contribution that should not be underestimated if climate targets are not to remain targets, but are to be achieved at some point.

A photovoltaic system also enhances the value of your property. And as our glass-glass modules are extremely durable, even your children and their children will benefit from them.

Glass-glass modules

Extreme at every level: discover our glass-glass modules.

Extremely robust, extremely durable, extremely high-yield - our glass-glass modules meet the highest demands and make no compromises.

Together we can make the change to clean energy.