Structure and scope of delivery

Table of contents

    Structure Inverter vision three

    Structure Inverter vision three
    ADC switchGDRM
    BPV1, PV2, PV3 connectionHAntenna (Bluetooth/WiFi)
    CBattery connectionICommunication dongle
    DConnection BMS (battery management system)JCom connection
    EMeter connectionKAC backup / AC grid connection
    FLAN connectionLEarth connection
    Display Inverter vision three
    OLC-displaySupwards: Increase value
    Pred: errorTdownwards: Decrease value
    Qblue: WiFi/LAN statusUConfirm
    Rgreen: ready for operationVback/exit

    Scope of delivery Inverter vision three

    Scope of delivery Inverter vision three
    11Wall bracket173 Screws for inverter mounting
    12PV connector (Stäubli MC4)18Cable lug for grounding
    13PV pin contacts194x waterproof plug housings:
    1x for RJ45 plug coming from the meter
    1x for LAN plug coming from the router
    2x replacement
    14AC plug20Antenna
    15Communication plug (optional)21Counter with CT terminals
    166 Screws and anchors for wall mounting22Quickstart Guide and safety Instructions

    Structure Inverter vision one

    ADC switchICommunication dongle
    BPV1JAC GRID connection
    CPV2KConnection BMS (battery management system)
    DBattery connectionLWaterproof cover
    EMeter connectionMdRM
    FAntenna (Bluetooth / WiFi)NLAN connection
    GCluster IN connectionOAC BACKUP connection
    HCluster OUT connectionPGround connection

    Scope of delivery Inverter vision one

    11Wall bracket174 screws for wall mounting
    12PV connector (Stäubli MC4)18Antenna
    13PV pin contacts19Cable lug for earthing cable
    14AC plug GRID (white ring)20Meter with CT terminal
    15AC.secker BACKUP (red ring)212x waterproof plug housings:
    1x for LAN plug coming from the router
    1x replacement
    16Meter adapter with ferrules22Quickstart Guide and Safety Instructions
    Display Inverter vision one
    OLC-displaySupwards: Increase value
    Pred: errorTdownwards: Decrease value
    Qblue: WiFi/LAN statusUConfirm
    Rgreen: ready for operationVback/exit

    Structure Battery vision top pack, top pack

    Battery vision top pack and pack structure
    AHoles for mounting bracketFSoC LEDsKDC OUT+PHole for pack mounting
    BHole for pack fasteningGStatus LEDLFasteners for DC cableQHandle
    CB-Start switchHDC switchMHoles for mounting bracketRStatus LED
    DMains switchIBMSNGround terminal
    EBMS status LEDJDC OUT-Opack Fixation

    Scope of delivery Battery vision top pack and pack

    Scope of delivery Battery vision top pack
    14 screws (M5) for fastening the wall brackets, 2 screws for fastening the top pack72 screws for wall mounting
    2Wall brackets8Jumper plug
    3Foot rests9Protective cover for pack connectors
    4BMS inverter communication cable (1.5 m)10Safety Instructions
    5Earthing cable with 2 additional cable lugs
    6DC cable (1.5 m)
    Scope of delivery Battery vision pack
    232 screws (M5) each for fastening the pack
    24Safety Instructions